Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last Day as a Mother of Two

Today was my last day as a mother of two boys. Tomorrow at 9:30 I will be in the operating room meeting my new baby boy.

Looking back on my pregnancy, it hasn't been easy. It seems like a long journey for sure. From the initial surprise of being pregnant again, to the many painful Braxton Hicks contractions, sleepless nights, etc., it's all culminated in this one moment - birth.

Despite the physical difficulties, I've grown so much closer to God during this time. I've allowed Him to draw me to Him as I've had to depend on Him to get me through each challenge. I'm SO thankful for that closeness and know I will use it to get me through the exhaustion and pain of recovery, as well.

The one thing I have prayed for most during this pregnancy is a healthy baby. Nothing else really mattered to me. I know children are a gift from the Lord, so the gender and just about everything else was irrelevant to me. I really just want to enjoy this baby and feel the joy that God intends for all new mother's to experience.

I think this mostly stems from the fact that I was SO very nervous with Luke. He was my first baby and I was terrified I was going to do something to hurt him. Then, with Noah, we missed that joy because we were in the hospital with his surgery and just praying he would live. Surely with this third baby I'll be relaxed and able to soak in the love and joy and peace of having a new born.

Tomorrow is the big day! I'm looking forward to it and trusting God for every good thing! I'm SO excited to meet my new baby boy. Until then, I'm dreaming about how much he'll look like his brothers, how much he'll weigh, what his first cry will sound like and how it will feel to hold his precious little life in my arms for the first time.

Thank you Jesus for this amazing gift...and welcome my sweet boy to the world...mommy can't wait to lay eyes on you for the first time!!!

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