Thursday, May 23, 2013

Noah - last day of preschool 2013

Today was Noah's last day of pre-school! I took the day off work to spend the day with him at Learning Academy Preschool one last time. 

We had a great time planning his school party! Since almost 1/2 the kids in the class have a summer birthday, we chose Happy Birthday as the theme! The kids had a great time making visor  hats as their craft activity. Noah's had horses, pow-pow guns, dogs and cactus' on it. They had an even better time eating a big birthday cake and singing happy birthday to all their friends!

Noah gave his teachers, Ms. Cheryl and Ms. Barbara a card, Starbuck's gift card and a yellow rose for friendship. We also gave a rose to each of the teachers that have taught him over the years as we left the building. It was so special to see Ms. Teresa his 2 year old teacher, Ms. Beth his 3 year old teacher, as well as his music & chapel teachers. He was so proud to give them each a flower and a big Noah hug!

The last day of school wouldn't be complete without one more picture by the church bell. This has been a place of picnics, play and such a symbolic spot throughout our preschool years. Good thing I have Cruz coming up next year. When he graduates preschool, it really will be the end of a chapter! So thankful my boys have such a wonderful Christian school to start their education & learning.

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