Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Eve 2014

 We ushered out 2014 in style.
Party hats, silly faces and ruckus...lots of LOUD ruckus.

The boys make a balloon drop to pop at midnight.
We  had party horns, confetti balloons and laughter - lots of LOUD laughter.
We watched the East coast ball drop at 11  and NYE in Big "D" at 12! 
When it was all over, this is all that was left.
After the little boys were tucked in, Luke and I lay in his bed and said our first prayer of 2015.
I can't think of a better start to the New Year.
Abiding in Jesus. Blessed  by God.
Regardless of where this year's journey takes us, we are pointed in the right direction.
So long 2014.
We are ready to write a new 365 page book...and it's going to be a good one!

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