Oh no! Yesterday I heard Leo and Luke frantically calling me from the bathroom. There was a strange terror in their voices, so I pretty much ran in there to find them both staring with squenched up faces, pointing to the bathtub. There...on the edge was a big, long, piece of poop...specially made by Noah.
Apparently, he had crawled up the side of the tub to turn on the water in the sink...a no-no that we're trying to teach him not to do. On this day I was actually happy that he had managed to make his plop in a place that was easily wipe-able...and not in the actual water, where we would have to scoop and hope it stayed in one solid piece.
This is the first time Noah has done this in 2 years, so I guess I'm lucky! I remember Luke doing this once too.
Oh the joys of parenting!!!
Hello I don't know if u guys got my last comment but my name is Brian Gardner and I am an old friend of Leo's from Tampa.I just wanted to tell him it's good he's doing good and got a great family and everything,just tell him i'm proud of him and hope everything works out good for him and his family.If he wants to say hi my number is 813-846-6779 but if he's to busy that's fine I just mainly wanted to say hello cuase it has been a long time.I wish you and your family the best and take care.Brian.....