Saturday, September 25, 2010

Play Ball!

Recently Luke had his first baseball game as a member of the Atlanta Braves. All his best buddies from preschool and the moms' group are on his team: Luke J, Brady, Collin, Michael and Evan.

The days leading up to this event were filled with lots of Father/Son firsts: first trip to the sports store, first real glove, bat, uniform, etc.

Luke could hardly contain his excitement the morning of his first game. As we geared up, he promised to hit a home run for me. (A home run to him is anytime he makes it around all four bases...regardless of how many others had to help hit him in.) I was so happy for him that he did score a point! He really thought he was "da man!" my heart, he was!!!

It was a hot day, but so worth the effort.

Luke has had a couple of week night games since then and each time he gets better and better. I can't wait to see my little slugger (and daddy) at the next game. Leo has been helping coach by pitching and that has Luke really excited too. Who knows...with three boys in our family, we're sure to get close to a little league world series, right?!?

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