Yesterday Luke and I heard a knock at our door, which we assumed was Ms. Christy bringing Noah home. To Luke's great delight it was not Noah...rather the UPS man with two boxes full of goodies for him from Granny and Gramps!
Excitedly we opened the boxes to find 8 new dress-up costumes for the boys! Luke got Batman, a pirate, a king and a reversible Spiderman that can be the traditional good spiderman in red or the bad-guy Spiderman in black. He was THRILLED.
Noah's box contained a Dynamic Duo Robin costume, a pirate, a king and a Superman. Each boy also received blow up pirate swords and these super-cool pirate eye patches that they can see through when wearing them.
Luke and I literally spent an hour trying on costumes and taking pictures. He would go in the bathroom to look at himself, strike a pose for the camera, then hurry out to try on the next costume.
When Noah got home, he had to get in on the action too. Not to be out done by his brother, he quickly put on his pirate hat and grabbed his blow up sword. Both boys climbed in to a clear storage box, which of course was not a storage box at all, but rather a pirate ship worth of the roughest seas.
It was quite the struggle trying to get Noah to go down for his nap, taking over an hour to get him calmed down enough! And, what do you suppose he wanted first thing when he woke up...his costumes!
It was an afternoon filled with great fun! Thank you Granny and Gramps for the thoughtful gifts!!!
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