Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Treasure Chest of Rewards for Good Behavior

Oh my...another special package from Granny & Gramps and the Santa Clause in the brown van (UPS!) This time it was a big treasure chest of goodies for Mommy to use as rewards for good behavior. There was also a letter inside explaining that the treasure chest was only to be opened when Luke and Noah made "Mommy happy with their good behavior." I LOVE IT!!!!

So, to encourage the boys to be good, we allowed them to open the treasure chest and look at all the goodies inside. There were toys, decorations, bubbles, instruments, etc. After a short time, we put everything back in the treasure chest and it now sits in our kitchen as a reminder to the boys to be good!

Luke is already talking about how good he is going to be...he must have said "Yes Ma'am Mommy" ten times before we loaded up for school today. He also put up his shoes, picked up his toys, opened the garage door, and several other really nice things for me this morning...he was VERY helpful...and he pointed that out to me several times. LOL!

Now, lets see if he can speak nicely all day...he has a very bad habit of yelling when he gets mad. Self-control is definitely going to be a life-issue with Luke and something we work on a LOT!! I'm excited for him to begin receiving rewards and seeing how many wonderful things will come his way if he makes the right choices!

Thank you Granny and Gramps for this wonderful new tool!!!

We love you!!!

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